Babies Really DO Come From Heaven....
I may run the risk of sounding too trite too early in the life of this blog, but I do not care. I had another epiphany today (have a lot, thus the blog), and it has to be shared.
I am a normal mother of an extraordinary child. I know most people probably feel this way, but for me it is so true. Everyday I hope that I can make my child's life even a little bit as wonderful as he makes mine. I know that I come up short, as every parent does, and that he will have to wait until he has his own children to understand how it feels when I hold him in my arms. It is enough that he is happy.
And we've all heard it before, "children are gifts from God." And who also hasn't felt, in a bad moment on a bad day when you're simultaneously having your hair pulled and your shoulder bitten by a toddler in the throws of a temper tantrum, "Yeah, right."
But this morning there weren't any tantrums, and there wasn't any broken skin or clumps of pulled hair, only giggles and cuddling and kisses. And the smell of my baby--is incredible. It isn't his baby lotion or his bath bubbles or special detergent that make him smell this wonderful--it's him--it's his smell, and I think it's the smell of heaven.
When my son was born I remember telling my husband that the baby was very wise. "We know everything when we are born, and it's all backward from there," I said. I believe that it is true. Children really are gifts from God. And it is our job as parents to take care of these gifts, and to bring them into adulthood as undamaged as possible, as they were when they were given to us. I hope God gives me the strength to be a good mother to my boy. I could use all of the help I can get.
It's my first time visiting your blog... and I like it!
I'm a 28 years old women... I been married for almost 3 years now, and my husban and I are planning to have a baby next year... and as a working women, with a lot of proffesional plans, I wasn't so shure about it...
Reading your blog had really inspired me :o)
Thanks a lot!!!
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