Wrong Sex, Wrong Time, Wrong Place....
"W" stands for wrong, right? Whatever...I would just like to remember what it was like to have sex with my husband without wondering if we're going to get a baby out of it. And if we're not going to get a baby out of it, what's the point?
I love my husband with all of my heart, he is the love of my life and I find him to be very attractive and sexy. But my brain has been hijacked by the need-to-conceive. There was a time when having babies was the furthest thing from my mind when I was, uhhmm, with my husband. But now it has become an insane habit to immediately calculate my cycle day and chances of possible conception if my husband seems to be even slightly interested in having sex...
I'm not supposed to be worrying about this this month...but like I said, it's a nasty habit...a nasty habit that doesn't seem to be helping me to get pregnant. It's like the sperm can sense my desperation and immediately wither and die. Or my egg just refuses to come out and play under these hostile circumstances. I can't say I can blame either of them.
I'm sure the only medical procedure that can really help me get pregnant is a lobotomy.
There is so much more to life... Let go.
Yes, there is more to life...but this is a part of life you have no experience with...caring for other people's children, is not like caring for your own. You suggest I let go, but I believe my child deserves a sibling...because you never know what life is going to hand you. I would be lost without my awesome brother and beautiful sister...
I am nominating A.(above) for a troll award at Chez Miscarrige.
A. thanks for the helpful assvice. Wow... just think... all we have to do is "Let Go" and we will have a baby... Brillant example of assvice... thank you!
Hey Erin,
Just surfed over from Chez MiZ to check out the "assvice" you received. Wow, and to think you just started this blog not so long ago and you are already getting trolls!
Anyway my dear, I can relate to the feeling of frustration with sex that comes with TTC month after month. Plus it is kind of tough, when you think you are ovulating, to keep up the "mood" for several days in a row when you are both tired and know that the purpose at that point is to try to get PG and not necessarily to "enjoy" it. LOL.
Hang in there!
Oh A (is that for ASSHAT?), how about you eff off and leave this woman to not have sex with her husband for joy and orgasm in PEACE!!!
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