- Imaginary Lines: Missed the Egg...Again...

Monday, November 15, 2004

Missed the Egg...Again...

Uugh. I ovulated yesterday. Bummer. We didn't manage to have sex AT ALL this weekend. Shit. It just didn't happen. I am trying not to blame my husband, even if it is his fault...I mean, poor dear. He spent all day yesterday raking the leaves and mowing the lawn. Thomas took a really long nap too, perfect for some afternoon hanky-panky. But the leaves...and then he was so exhausted from working outside that he fell asleep on the couch...and then went to bed and fell right back to sleep.

I was planning a sneak attack for later that night, but while I was busy planning I fell into a deep and satisfying sleep that involved a dream about a man who once had a huge crush on me. I dreamed that somehow I ended up dating him, even though I wasn't attracted to him at all. Then I stared up at the ceiling this morning thinking about all the different paths I could've taken in life...but I digress...

This morning's temp rise only confirmed what I pretty much knew--I ovulated yesterday.

We did have sex 3 days prior to ovulation, which leaves an infinitesimal chance that I did manage to get knocked-up. This is if there were some sperm still lingering in some fertile corner of my fallopian tubes. If they even have corners. I keep imagining one sperm just hangin' out in my tube, waiting patiently while all the other spermies are long gone. Playing solitaire, smoking cigarettes, maybe leaving graffiti. Just waiting, until the egg comes rollin' on down, and BAM! magic. That's all it takes. Is that so much?

So I think my chances are akin to winning the tri-state lotto jackpot. Hey, someone's gotta win, right? A dollar and a dream.


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