Why Do I HURT???
I am my own doctor. This is due to the fact that everytime I ask a doctor a question, the only answer I get is a smile and a nod. Or maybe they've said something else, but it obviously wasn't relevant, or interesting, or even charming for that matter.
Me: Doctor Me, I have these pains in my ovaries every month after I ovulate...and I have discomfort in the area of my uterus too...could this have something to do with my miscarriage and why I can't seem to get pregnant again?
Doctor Me: Well, let me see here, (turns to computer search engine). There are a few things I'd like to look up on line...to get a better idea if you have any symptoms relevant to terrifying infertility causing diseases...
So anyway...here are some of the fruitless searches I did tonight:
Search On...Peri-menopause: Yup. This has got to be it. Irritability, insomnia, night-sweats, depression, bad hair, inability to get and stay pregnant...actually it didn't say that last thing...
Search on: Pelvic Pain Luteal Phase: This time I get some article about Late Luteal Phase Dysphoric Disorder. Oh Shit...this sounds like me too...take a look:
1.Marked affective lability, e.g., feeling suddenly sad, tearful, irritable, or angry.
2. Persistent and marked anger or irritability.
3. Marked anxiety, tension, feelings of being "keyed up" or "on edge."
4. Markedly depressed mood, feelings of hopelessness, or self-deprecating thoughts.
5. Decreased interest in usual activities, e.g., work, friends, hobbies.
6. Easy fatigability or marked lack of energy.
7. Subjective sense of difficulty in concentrating.
8. Marked change in appetite, overeating, or specific food cravings.
9. Hypersomnia or insomnia.
10. Other physical symptoms, such as breast tenderness or swelling, headaches, joint or muscle pain, a sensation of "bloating," weight gain.
Here's my favorite Magic Eight Ball Google Question:
Search On.....Why Did I Have A Miscarriage??? Search Results: Did Sacagawea Have a Miscarriage? Touche, Magic Google Eight Ball...it seems I have met my match...
My last search: Search On...cramps luteal phase (nothing fancy, to the point) Search Result: Some crazy fad low-carb diet called "Neanderthin." Someone out there really is trying to tell me something.
Me: Doctor Me, you're fired.
Doctor Me: What's your problem? You are sooo keyed up and irritable!!! I'm marking this down in your chart....
Sometimes we ALL know more than the doctors! I'm convinced of it! I could give you a huge low-down on my diagnosis, and if I were to go in to my G.P., he'd not have a clue!
Hmmmm...cramps a couple days AFTER ovulation? COULD be implantation? You never know!!
Either way, I hope you're feeling better soon!!
If not, call that doctor anyway, just to get it documented!
Thanks so much for your great responses! When I went to my gp and told him about my miscarriage he asked how far along I was. When I told him 6 weeks, he snapped up and said, "Oh--well that's no big deal. Most women don't even know they're pregnant that early." I shot him a look like I was goint to start bawling, and he tried to change his tune really fast...but TOO LATE.
LOL!! I may keep that in mind....
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