- Imaginary Lines: Baby Food Snob--and Proud of It...

Tuesday, November 23, 2004

Baby Food Snob--and Proud of It...

I am not a wealthy woman, I am the SAHM and wife of a blue collar man. Many people think that the latter is synonymous with ignorant, but no-sir-ee-bob, not from where I'm standin'.

My child drinks organic milk, and I don't care HOW MUCH it costs, I know it is the best for him. Pesticides, BGH, and anti-biotics are takin' a swim in your baby's regular milk, but not in my baby's certified organic milk. I have suffered the eye-rolls of many a mother who thinks I am over-reacting.

My child does not eat Kraft macaroni and cheese, which is synonymous with disgusting. That shit is not real food. There is nothing good in it. My mom is studying to be a nurse, and they've just learned that the dye they use in that crap will actually make your pee glow in the dark. Damn.

My little man DOES NOT EAT HOTDOGS. Do you know what's in that? Use your imagination, come up with the most disgusting thing possible, and add to that dangerous nitrates and other preservatives. Then you've got a hotdog.

The child of family friends refused to eat anything but Kraft mac and cheese and Hotdogs for the first 5 years of his life. Now he is having unexplained seizures. They aren't unexplained to me. Do you have to be a friggin' rocket scientist to not poison your child?

My son was breastfed, ate organic baby food, and his favorite dinner food is peas...where he gets that from is beyond me, not a big fan of that particular legume. And I feel a little snobbish about it...
is that okay??? Can I have that, huh? Can I?

It seems to me that the world's shittiest foods are marketed to little people. Children are growing and their nutritional needs are quite high. Think how much your baby's brain grows in the first five years. I'm pretty sure that feeding it only hotdogs and mac and cheese can lead to permanent retardation. I'm not trying to be cute, I'm quite serious.

Everyday it is getting easier to buy dairy and meat that is raised without antibiotics and hormones, and the more people that buy this stuff, the cheaper it's gonna get....so this is my 2 cents.

Boycott Kraft and buy a gallon of organic milk.



At 1:02 PM, Blogger Unknown said...

You are 100% right.. I stand beside you in the snobbery of being a HEALTHY INDIVIDUAL!!! Trusting the poeople at Kraft (and the like) is a HUGE mistake. I would go even further than you did and state that ALL (=at least most) prepackaged foods are questionable.. look at the ingredients people.. do you even know what that shit is?

So lets also look at the rise in Childhood obesity, Adult onset diabetes in children under the age of 10, the rise in ADD and ADHD.. do we not think there is a link to the awful foods we are feeding our youth and the malnutrition that our very well to do country is suffering from.

I only hope that you eat as well as your child!!! :)

At 3:03 PM, Blogger jexebel said...

Glow in the dark? I'm regretting my mac-n-cheese lunch from last week.

At 4:31 PM, Anonymous Anonymous said...

Just take a look around us at the way teenagers look these days. I doubt seriously that's evolution at work, unless you count artificially added hormones and antibiotics in food. My wife and I made a decision about our daughters years ago. If they were going to grow up with a bust-line like my wife's, it would be from genetics, not processed food additives.

At 9:20 AM, Anonymous Anonymous said...

HMMMMMM I wonder how healthy it is for a child to grow up with a mom who throws out curse words on a whim? There is more to health than skipping the mac and cheese. Mental/Moral/Emotional health...are those not just as important? Do as you will, but remember, everyone is doing the best they can...you may have room to judge my mothering, but in just this short message you have also given me room to question yours. If we could all be a little more encouraging and less judgmental and rude we'd probably all have it a little easier.


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