Maybe Eeyore Should Win
Okay? Eeyore is the new apprentice. Tana gets a tail pinned on her WASP-ee behind and sent back to the corn state.
Everyone stops fighting with their husbands.
Children start talking in full sentences.
Mothers-In-Law start minding their own business and no longer accidentally refer to themselves as "mommy."
Loneliness doesn't inspire art.
Houses clean themselves.
And I am the perfect mommy.
Almost sounds like poetry
sweetie? You OK?
Erin.. where did you go??? Still checking on you every couple of days.. Is everything ok?
Where are ya? I hope everything is alright!
Just checking on ya. Let us know how you are doing!
Take care.
Where art thou?
Hi Erin,
I just stumbled onto your blog, and I just wanted to let you know that I really enjoyed it, that I think you are a gifted writer with a charming sense of humor, that you seem to love and care about your little boy very much, and I am sure you will do everything you can to take care of him. Don't worry so much, everything will be OK eventually. You don't have to be perfect. Nothing is in this world or will ever be. Just keep doing what you are doing. Life is meant to be a struggle. Thank you for sharing yourself with the world. We love you. I wish you and your family the very best! :-D
Erin... The internet is worried about you... Please update soon... I have emailed and no heard from you...
Check in here or on PW... All your old friends want to know that you are OK.
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