Moody Men
The weekend went fine, aside from some moodiness coming from the males in my home. My husband and my son have been a bit unpredictable lately.
I’m pretty sure that in the case of my husband it has to do with his getting up at 3 AM for work every day. This makes sense to me, but didn’t stop the paranoid side of myself from worrying and fretting all weekend long that I was the reason he was in such a snit. Well, that could also be because he was taking it out on me, ha, ha, ha. Isn’t it great how we tend to single out the person we’re closest to when we’re feeling miserable? Lucky me!
My son also seems to be going through some changes. He must have gotten the memo that all toddlers get a month before turning two. It’s filled with all kinds of info about hitting, biting, and throwing temper tantrums in your reading/play group. “Don’t worry about your mommy getting too mad at you, what’s she’ll mostly feel is guilt and self-doubt, so go ahead, indulge!”
Why is it that my son is the only one at the library who won’t sit on my lap for story time? He is just not interested and wants to skip right to the toys. He also couldn’t care less about the other toddlers in the group, unless they have a toy he wants. This sends him into a fit of rage before anyone even has a chance to share with him.
This is only the third time I have taken him to story/play time. He just gets so excited when we walk through the door that he cannot contain himself. He turns into a little caveman (no offense to any cavemen who might be reading). But I’ve got to tell you, it’s a little embarrassing to be the only parent chasing their child around during the story, especially when you have to chase him around right in front of the whole group. And then when I catch him he squeals at the top of his voice, thereby directing even more unwanted attention toward us.
We finally made it through the story and onto play time. I thought we were out of the woods, but yesterday Thomas decided he needed to have whatever anyone else was playing with. He knocked down blocks, scattered pegs, absconded with trucks, and generally created mayhem. After about 10 minutes I had to take him outta their. He was having a fit because Z and his dad were playing with some cool looking trucks. They were more than willing to share, but Thomas was already in full tantrum mode. I had to get him out of there before he accidentally kicked someone.
Thomas is not old enough to care that I took him out of the play area. What I mean is, he doesn’t make a connection between his behavior and the fact that we had to leave. He just isn’t there yet. Should I try again, or give it a few months before going back? Maybe he just isn’t old enough yet. Or young enough anymore.
I just cannot wait until it is nice enough outside for him to go out and play every day. He needs exercise and fresh air. I think we’ll go for a walk outside today, even if it is drizzly and overcast.
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