- Imaginary Lines: A Little Bit of This, A Little Bit of That...

Friday, February 25, 2005

A Little Bit of This, A Little Bit of That...

I’m so relieved that it’s Friday. Yes, even those of us who do nothing but sit around all week are happy to see the weekend. I’m happy I’ll get a chance to see my husband tomorrow, happy he’ll get a chance to play with our son.

My husband got a promotion this week! It’s going to make our lives easier, not because it’s tons more money, but because we will get to spend more time together as a result. I was really feeling down because I didn’t think there was any end in site to this awful schedule. I haven’t seen my husband in days. It’s really hard on me, and I know it must be hard on Thomas. It really isn’t easy being the only one around for a little one, and I don’t envy the hard work that single parents must face each day. Being everything and everyone to your small child is physically and emotionally draining.

I went in to the lab and had blood drawn for the AFP screening today. I was avoiding it all week, but finally bit the bullet and had them stick me. I would have felt like a coward if I did not have it done. I’m the mother of this child growing inside of me, and I am responsible for its well-being. If there is something wrong, it is best for me and the baby that we know about it and deal with it. I can’t just stick my head in the sand with a what-you-don’t-know-can’t-hurt-you kind of an attitude. Usually, it’s what you don’t know that hurts you the most.

Thomas has had a slight fever for a couple of days now. He hasn’t exhibited any other symptoms, except being a little more cranky than usual. He is cutting some new teeth, but I don’t think it’s widely accepted these days that kids get fevers when they’re teething. We’ll see. Hopefully it won’t progress into something else.

I've been hangin' around a board I found for people who need to vent about their MIL. It has been pretty cathartic. I've come away with some new ideas for reminding her that I am a grown woman and will not be treated as less, particularly in my own home, with my own husband and children. Watch out!

I’m having a hard time protecting my belly from my wiggly almost 2-year old. He wants to jump and squirm all over me, and I don’t know how to tell him that he has to be gentle with mommy. He just sees me as a big play area. Emphasis on big. I don’t think he can hurt the baby, but it does kinda hurt me, not to mention the anxiety it causes. I guess I’ll just have to try harder to get the message across. I fell on my ass out in the driveway this week too. Nice.

My SIL and my brother had their twins last night! They are both healthy, born at 36 weeks. They both weighed in at about 5 lbs. 12 ounces. I'll probably get a chance to see them next week. There goes February!

Just a parting word on assvice. When a blogger requests the point-of-view of the reader, I do not think any well-intentioned response can be put into the category of assvice. Whenever I see the word assvice, I imagine some kind of torture device and a big ass being squeezed in a vice...anyway....


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