- Imaginary Lines: How could something like this happen to someone like me?

Thursday, February 17, 2005

How could something like this happen to someone like me?

I just don't understand it. I'm a clean person, and I don't even let them outside. I thought this sort of thing only happened to "those" people.

My cats have fleas. They itch all of the time. The orange one is even losing some hair around his tail. I'm thoroughly disgusted with them.

My feelings for my cats have not been the same since Thomas was born. They went from being cute cuddly family members, to potentially biting, disease carrying, vermin. I mean, more or less.

The strange thing is that I've been an animal lover all of my life. I've always had a cat, and half the time my family had a dog, too. But I couldn't handle taking care of that crazy dog I adopted last summer, and now I'm starting to strongly dislike my cats too.

Maybe it's because they go into the baby's room and wake him up in the middle of the night. Maybe it's their puking. Maybe it's because my pregnancy has rendered me helpless against their pungent kitty litter. Maybe it's 'cause once in a while one of them poops in the computer room. Maybe it's because I'm still so nauseated that I can't deal with any of that yucky stuff. Maybe it's because I FOUND A FLEA ON THE BACK OF MY SON'S NECK. Who knows. Maybe I need a therapist.

I'm going to order Advantage for them on-line. I hear it's cheaper than the arm-and-a-leg they charge at the vet's.


At 2:45 PM, Blogger Sasha@Pw said...

Advantage really works for our pup.

At 3:36 PM, Blogger Sporty said...

I just thought that I would check in to see how you are doing. Keep us up-to-date on all of the baby stuff...are you going to find out what you are having, or is it going to be a suprise? Let me know.

I am sure that those are all normal feelings. You worry and that is to be expected. You wouldn't be a mom if you didn't worry about your children.

I am sure that everything will work out. Sorry to hear that you are still having the nausea. Hopefully it will subside soon!


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