- Imaginary Lines: Been a Rough Week.

Saturday, January 22, 2005

Been a Rough Week.

The Zofran decided it doesn't want to work any more, and I spent all day Wednesday in the hospital hooked up to an IV. I have been so exhausted from lack of fluids and food, that I haven't really been able to do much. Ed stayed home with me on Thursday, and then his mom came over to help on Friday. I have to stop and rest after climbing the stairs. Pretty pathetic!

Not to mention, the more I move around, the more I throw up. I can't really eat much at this point, and I'm beginning to wonder how the little one in there is taking all of this. It's hard to imagine how we're all going to make it through the next six months if this doesn't let up a little bit.

What I can eat has little nutritional value. Grape soda is the only thing that makes me happy, as far as liquids go. I really feel lucky that I could think of anything that I could drink, you know, so the baby and I can stay alive.

I start every morning with two eggs, like it or not, and it takes me about 45 minutes to choke them down. Today my husband even threw in a lightly-buttered piece of toast. So far, so good. Yesterday I also managed a bowl of soup and 3 chicken fingers (throughout the day). Doesn't exactly meet the extra 500 calories a day, does it? I guess it's good I have those extra reserves (fat). I am just a little below the weight I was when I started this pregnancy, as of a couple of days ago anyway. That means I've lost about 7 lbs. so far. I have the sinking feeling that I will be back in the hospital before long.

So we're all hanging in there, and I hope you all are too. I know that this will all become a distant memory when I'm holding my little one in my arms. Let's just hope my family and I can stay sane until that happens.


At 1:39 PM, Blogger Jessigirl said...

Ooohhh Erin, I am so sorry you are so sick! I really hope it lets up soon. I'll keep you in my thoughts!


At 2:41 PM, Blogger Jen said...

oh man...that sucks big time!
I'm so sorry you're so sick!
I'm guessing you'll have to go to the hospital too, but it might just be worth it to stay hooked up to those IV's so SOMETHING stays in, right?
Stay strong!

At 3:56 PM, Blogger Lala said...

Aw geez, what a shitty way to be. I'm rooting for you though. Looking forward to popping down when you feel better.

At 9:12 PM, Blogger Sara said...

Hope you feel better soon! I had a friend who tried the BRAT diet, which is what they give to you when you have a stomach bug. (Bananas, Rice, Applesauce, Toast) They are all "binding" foods, so maybe they will help!

Good luck!

At 11:29 AM, Blogger Sporty said...


I hope that you get to feeling better soon. I am saying a prayer for you and your family to get you through this and the rest of your pregnancy.

Take care,

At 11:55 PM, Anonymous Anonymous said...

Hope you get to feeling better soon!! Congrats on being pregnant!!!



At 12:09 PM, Blogger @MoonyTj said...

Hi Erin!

Sorry you're feeling sick...I really hope you start feeling a lot better soon!!!...

I haven't been around since, like november I guess, when you wrote that beautiful post about kids being God's gifts... So, I was gladly sorprised with the news of your new pregnancy :)

About my husband and I, well, We're gona start trying maybe on June, right now I'm under a treatment for Poliquistic Ovaric Syndrome, but I'm fine :)

Well, I'm whishing you a healthy pregnancy, and all God Blessing for you and your born to be baby.

Greetings from Tijuana México


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