I'm still sick! If I put an exclamation point on what I say, does it make me seem happy about it?!
I haven't been able to come on here. Like some foods, the thought of coming on-line has been making me want to puke. But I'm having a so-so moment here, and thought I would check in with the blog.
It has been pretty hellish. Since the phenergan hasn't been working, they put me on suppositories instead. What fun! I've never had the pleasure of using a suppository before! They make you feel like you're going to go in your pants! It's a really nice addition to the nausea and vomiting.
Yesterday I had acupuncture done for the first time, as I am willing to try anything. It hurt! What do you know? He also burned my toes with some incense and told me I was in pretty bad shape because it took me so long to feel the burn. I was thinking it was because my toes were numb from being outside, but he insists I have poor kidney function. Uh, okay. Hell, it was worth a try. I'd walk on coals if I thought it would make me feel better.
I was on the table for 1/2 and hour with pins sticking out of me, trying my best not to throw up. I managed to wait until I was safely in the parking lot before wretching.
Something good actually did happen this week. I got to see my baby! My healthy little fetus, with a heart beat of 183 per minute, wiggling and squirming in my uterus. It's measuring 2 days ahead of schedule, and the ultrasound tech gave me a due date of August 6. Want to see?

Isn't he/she beautiful? Do you see those five little fingers waving at me? It was amazing, I was still surprised to actually see a baby in there, and more than a little relieved.
Ed has been awesome too. He brought me a dozen yellow roses last night, to help me feel better. And better yet, he's been helping out a lot with the baby and the cleaning. My love.
Today I start on Zofran, and I'm really hoping this is the one that's going to offer me some relief. It's expensive ($30 copay), but well worth it if it works.
I also want to say congratulations to Jennifer at Three Shades of Blue, on the arrival of her son, Miles. They are both safe, despite the emergency circumstances under which he was delivered. Welcome, little one!
Beautiful... who does he/she favor... you or Ed?
Such good news... I told you the puking was a good sign...
Finally got you added to my links today!...
Congrats on your growing little baby! I hope you start feeling better soon. Is your belly growing at all yet? My sister is about as far along as you are and hers has quite a little pooch already.
Come back to us sicky, are you ok?
Come baaaaack...
We miss you...
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