Snoring, Sleeping, Swearing, Oh MY....
Still sick. Can't sleep at night. Heartburn. Am I going to bitch about this for the next 7.5 months? Probably, yes.
The hubby and I had one of those lovely spats that occurs in the middle of the night when you're pregnant and can't sleep and he snores like a freakin' grizzly bear. If he rolls over on his side, all is fine, because he doesn't snore when he's on his side. I don't want to stuff a sock in his mouth when he's on his side.
My husband isn't always the most agreeable person when I've kicked and nudged him in the middle of the night for the fifth or sixth time. I begged him to roll over on his side in the sweetest voice I could muster, even through the fire rising up my esophogus and the fact that I had to use all of my jedi powers toward not puking on the sheets.
At 3:45 AM, it went something like this:
Me: "Please, please, hon. Please roll over on your side. You're snoring."
Him: "I'm over as far as I can go! I'm right on the edge!" (in 1/2 asleep angry voice)
Me: "No, I didn't say MOVE over, I said ROLL over." (duh)
Him: Silence. Stays on back.
Me: "Ed, please. Are you going to roll over?"
Him: "I'm not snoring."
Me: "Oh, so I guess I'll just lay here and wait for you to start snoring your stupid head-off again. I'm sick and I can't sleep, and all I want you to do is roll over."
Him: Swears and mutters something under his breath while exiting the bed and going downstairs to make some coffee.
What? What are you looking at? He had to get up a 4 AM for work today anyway.
I stayed in bed for another 20 minutes or so before going downstairs to have a bowl of Raisin Bran. It made me feel a little better, and I went back to sleep.
He came in and gave me a nice kiss goodbye before he left, so I think everything is okay. Either that or he was like, "Better give the crazy bitch a goodbye kiss, or who knows what I'll be facing when I get home tonight." That's my guy!
Thomas had fun at the library, by the way. He didn't really play with the other kids, he stomped around climbing on chairs and pulling toys off of the shelves like he owned the place. I'm not even sure he noticed anyone else was there. That's my boy!
I know what you husband frequents the couch because if he fall asleep there and I wake him up, get ready for WWIII. He can get downright mean! So, I leave his butt there and sometimes give him a little "honey, I'm going to bed". Then my four year old instictively knows that he can sleep in mom's bed tonight.
P.S. Is the PW board working for you these last couple days? I keep getting an error message when I try to click into it...
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