- Imaginary Lines: Fluffy's Two Year Physical

Friday, April 08, 2005

Fluffy's Two Year Physical

Yesterday Thomas had an early 2nd year physical. Everything went pretty well, he’s 29 lbs. and 36 inches tall. Big boy! This is why everyone thinks my wee toddler is a big 3 year old. Nope, just long and lean.

Ed took some time off of work to go with me because we’re having some major concerns about his speech. Thomas is a smart little boy, he knows all of his shapes and the letters of the alphabet, and he understands everything we say to him. He can identify thousands of pictures by pointing, but our little boy just will not talk to us.

I had a major breakdown after taking him to the park a couple of weeks ago and listening to the 18 month old babies try to imitate their parents. I convinced myself that there is something horribly wrong with my little one and spent the afternoon sobbing. I think it was partly pregnancy hormones.

Otherwise Thomas is fine. It is obvious to anyone observing him that he has above average intelligence. But it’s a little heartbreaking waiting so long for your lovey to call you mommy. We even explored the possibility of autism, which was heartbreaking for me even to think about, but he has no other signs of any kind of developmental disability. Thank God.

He is a loving little boy, he adores his mom and dad and grandparents, loves to give and receive hugs and kisses and is generally a joy to be around. It doesn’t take much for an adoring parent to go overboard with worry, and the closer we get to his second birthday with only a few words, the more worried I have become.

I do feel better since his appointment yesterday. The doctor (he’s great, by the way), wants him to have a hearing and speech evaluation, and then possibly speech therapy to get him on track. We don’t really feel there is anything wrong with his hearing either since he can hear me whisper to him from across the room, but it has to be ruled out.

Otherwise, it may just be his personality. He may not be ready for talking, for some unknown reason, and it may just work itself out in the next few months. But we have to take some action now so that he doesn’t find himself terribly behind in the future.

He also had to have a shot that they missed giving him at 18 months, and blood drawn for his lead and anemia check. It was a rough afternoon of wrestling the toddler, so I was really glad to have my strong and not pregnant husband with me.

Today I call to make the appointment for his evaluation, and we’ll take it from there.

The next time I see the pediatrician will be with Ryan! I can’t wait to show another beautiful little boy.


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