Good Morning, Blogosphere
The computer room in my house is on the second floor with a window overlooking the roof of the porch. Right now my orange cat is looking in the window at me meowing his furry face off. I would let him in the window, but I can never get this window to open for me. One of the disadvantages of a house that is almost 100 years old. My black cat is sitting on the sill looking out at him as if to say, "sucks to be you, man. Now you have to figure out how to get your silly ass of the roof."
I would tell you that the last six weeks have been uneventful, and from your point-of-view that would probably be accurate. For me, life with a toddler and a baby on the way is never quite uneventful.
Thomas is now sleeping in his big-boy bed. He loves it, of course, and it only took him one night to figure out that he can get out of it whenever he wants and crawl into bed with mommy and daddy. This morning was the first time that he has ever gone downstairs without waking me up first. I panicked when I was awoke by the sounds of his crying down in the kitchen. I bolted out of bed to find him with the mop, my cell phone, the camera, and the large bottle of maple syrup lying on the floor. From what I could tell, I had to guess that he pulled the maple syrup down on his head or his feet. I didn't find any major injuries after inspection, so all is well. He totally took advantage of his time alone downstairs to play with all of the things that I never let him have. I haven't checked yet, but I'm hoping he didn't break my camera. I already found my zoom lens to be broken under mysterious circumstances a few weeks ago...
I will be 34 weeks pregnant in 3 days, if you can believe it. Ryan is doing fine, still wiggling around in there. I can't believe I'm actually going to meet him in about 6 weeks. I already know that things will not be the same with my second child, in the same way that being pregnant has been different this time around. It used to make me feel guilty that I couldn't seem to get as absorbed into this pregnancy as I did when I was pregnant with Thomas, but now I understand that that is just the way things are. Ryan will never get the entire focus of my attention in the way that Thomas has had it for more than 2 years now. Thomas will never have it again either. That's just what happens when you have more than one baby. I know I love Ryan just as much as I love Thomas, but I don't think you can ever feel the same way about having your second as you did about having your first. In most ways, I think that that is a good thing. I am pretty nervous about having them both out here to care for, but mostly just because of logistics. I have to figure out how to take them both with me on all of my errands and I have to get more organized. I just hope I can live up to the task.
Thomas is doing better with his speech. He is finally making all of his animal sound, and even has a few good phrases he likes to use. "Oh, yuck," is one of his favorites at the moment. I'm no where near as worried about him as I was just a few weeks ago. I know he's going to be okay. He sees his speech therapist once a week, and she was very impressed by how smart he is. One of my biggest fears was that he would be labeled as slow because of his speech delay. This child is anything but slow.
I appreciate everyone's kind comments while I was gone, it was nice to have a break from the computer. I'm just getting caught up with all the blogs I read, I hope everyone is doing fine...
It is great to hear how things have been in your world Erin! I am happy to hear that Thomas is making progress.
Also, you will do just fine and live up to the task of taking care of both of your little boys. You have been a great mom to this point...why would anything change now?
I just wanted to let you know that you have been in my thoughts and I can't wait for the next 6 weeks or so to fly by so we can see some pics of the littlest one!
Take care.
So much has changed since we have talked to you last! It is like I missed the best weeks of my favorite tv show and I am trying to catch up.
So glad Thomas is talking! And you don't have much longer, how exciting!!!!
So glad you're ok. It's funny how we worry! Six weeks! Yikes!
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