- Imaginary Lines: Moral Majority

Thursday, June 23, 2005

Moral Majority

I am someone who considers herself to be a conservative, but I know that there is no such thing as the "moral majority." I do not regularly attend church or study the bible, but I do know that Jesus said, "If they hated me they will hate you," and "If you were of the world they would love you." In other words, this world will never be a place of morals, love, and deep character. We need to look within for these things and hope and pray that we pass some of it on to our children.

I think sometimes it is easy to point at one political party or another as the fools and the crazies, when both sides have more than their share. A fool is a fool, whether she be right or left.

Oh, and who cares if I got my biblical quotes from a Sinead O'Connor song? I love Black Boys on Mopeds. As a 15 year-old child, I learned a lot from Sinead O'Connor. More than anyone every learned from Kelly Clarkson or whoever.

Many of my conservative views are economic, patriotic, and cultural. It is a different way of viewing our place within the world, and in some instances, a more jaded one.

People will forever get tangled up in issues of societal morality. It is human nature to want to impose our views on everyone around us. But it is not a moot point, it does make a difference what you believe and what you find acceptable as a society. How do we prevent ourselves from becoming a nation where abortion is so widely accepted that we become like China, where baby girls are commonly aborted in the second trimester, and their fetal tissues are injected into the ailing bodies of desperate and wealthy westerners looking for any way to cure themselves of debilitating diseases? Even when our own superior science does not back any claims that this treatment will help anyone? What has to happen in me, what point to I have to come to to no longer find this practice morally repugnant?

Are television shows and celebrity endorsements enough to do the trick? If I have it drilled into my brain day after day by radio, blogs, college professors, friends and neighbors, will I begin to think that it is okay? Is that how a society changes?

Do I have to choose between a society where all abortions are okay, and one where a woman who has just been given the news that her unborn child will live only a short life on intense pain cannot be given any choice? How can I tell the difference between someone who is struggling with the most difficult moral decision of her life, and one who is morally indifferent to the life and pain of her unborn child? Am I just not supposed to care about the unborn of the morally indifferent?

There are plenty of things in this world today turn your stomach, plenty of things to see to make you lose hope. I hold onto the small part of the world where I can exercise some control, and that is in my family. Today I will love my children and try to be a good person. That is difficult enough.

I did not set out to write about all of this today, it just sort of came out at the computer. I hope it hasn't put anyone off too much.


At 10:20 AM, Anonymous Anonymous said...

To put it bluntly, I could have written that, although not as eloquently. I feel the same, Erin.

At 5:25 PM, Blogger The Complimenting Commenter said...

Very well said. We live in a time of contradictions and hard choices. Thank you for voicing what you have. Nice job.


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