7-27-05, 6:06 AM, 8lbs. 7 ounces
There's a new redhead in town!
I was right with that last post and went into labor very early the next morning.
I woke up at about 3:30 AM trying to figure out if I was having contractions. I was, but they weren't very regular yet. Ed woke up at 4 and I told him that I thought we were going to have a baby today.
I decided to have a little bit of coffee with my husband because I still wasn't completely sure that I was in labor. He put a movie in and I decided to lay down on the couch. Suddenly, the contractions started coming fast and furious. This was about 4:30.
He called his mom to come over and watch Thomas, and I was telling her to take her time, no rush. Thank God she didn't listen to me!
Ed helped me take a shower and get dressed, by this time it was really difficult for me to do anything but sit on the floor on my hands and knees. Ed's mom got there a little after 5 and I was already yelling in pain and throwing up. She wanted to call an ambulance, but I thought I had plenty of time! I was in labor for 12 hours with Thomas!
Ed got me into the car and I beat on the car door the entire way to the hospital, as he drove through red lights and sped. I still kept saying it's okay! We've got time!
We drove up to the hospital entrance and Ed helped me out of the car. That's when my water broke. We got inside and they tried to tell us to go check in and register, but changed there minds when they saw me screaming and gushing fluids all over the floor. They got me a wheel chair and told me to sit down but I refused because it hurt too much. I knelt down on the wheel chair and they moved me to L & D that way.
They got me in the room and tried to strap all kinds of monitors on me, but I really didn't want anything to do with it. They wanted me to lay flat on my back to check my cervix, and again, I wasn't happy. Eventually, I complied and they told me I was 7. No drugs for this girl!
After they checked me I immediately wanted to flip back over on my hands and knees and ended up all tangled in the wires from the monitors. The nurse kept yelling at me, "we have to check the baby, you have to let us check the baby!" I just yelled back, "he's fine! He's kicking all over the place."
My doctor came in about 5 minutes later and I asked her if I was 10 centimeters. She said, "no, you're 12." Okay then.
Then I had to do the thing I was most terrified of, push out the baby without any pain killers. I screamed. A lot. They told me not to. Having a baby through incredible mind-numbing pain is a totally different experience than having one with an epidural. They had to tell me how to push all over again. Your mind just wants to run away from the pain somehow, but you can't. You have to manage to push through it. It was a difficult thing to wrap my mind around, but then your body just takes over and the pushing comes. Our bodies do know what to do, even when our minds don't.
After I finally got myself coordinated it took about 2 pushes to get him out, and they plopped him down on my belly and into my arms. What an incredible feeling. To have accomplished this task, and at the same time to be holding this warm beautiful baby in my arms. He is beautiful. He has hardly left my arms since the moment he was born.
And I only had to spend a 1/2 an hour in labor and delivery. Nothing wrong with that!
I am content, proud, and happy, in a way that I haven't been for months. The task of making this baby is finished. I have both of my beautiful boys and I know that I couldn't be more fortunate. I don't mind one bit that I can't get any sleep at night, every moment is so precious. I am a happy woman.
I will post pictures when I can!