- Imaginary Lines: 05/01/2005 - 06/01/2005

Friday, May 13, 2005

Maybe Eeyore Should Win

Okay? Eeyore is the new apprentice. Tana gets a tail pinned on her WASP-ee behind and sent back to the corn state.
Everyone stops fighting with their husbands.
Children start talking in full sentences.
Mothers-In-Law start minding their own business and no longer accidentally refer to themselves as "mommy."
Loneliness doesn't inspire art.
Houses clean themselves.
And I am the perfect mommy.

Thursday, May 12, 2005

All's Well and Oh Well

Just figured I'd post, since I haven't much lately. I sorta sound like Eeyore, don't I? How pathetic.
Well, I've been fighting with my husband lately, so my mood hasn't improved much. He just. doesn't. get. it.
We come from different worlds.

I'm about to hit the 28 week mark in this pregnancy, so it is time for me to start making plans for the baby's room, etc...but tonight, I'm just going to go watch The Apprentice. I hope Tana wins.

Love you all, really, and I'm still reading all of your blogs and then some. I'm around, really.

Take care.

Thursday, May 05, 2005

Well, who the heck knew?

Thanks to Lala for the link.



















Which religion is the right one for you? (new version)
created with QuizFarm.com

Wednesday, May 04, 2005


I would like to send out a thanks to Tom Waits, for reminding me that loneliness can be a beautiful part of the human condition, especially when it inspires people like him.

I would also like to thank Mr. Waits for inspiring me. I have now decided that when my children are grown, I will spend half the day half in the bag, just for the hell of it. Why not?

I wish I were eloquent enough to explain the way good, really good, music can reach out to you like a best friend, when a best friend is no where to be found. It can help remind you that somewhere in there, beneath the unstable, barely-hanging-on wife and mother facade, there is a person, a soul, that stands alone struggling for its existence beyond the many other hats it has to wear. Maybe I should have waited to find my own soul and my own peace before becoming a mom and a wife. The trouble is, that day may never come, or at least not while I’m still in my fertile years.

In the midst of mothering I will try to remember to mother myself a little bit more...someone has got to do it, after all. I just wish there were someone who could tell me how to do this grown-up gig. I think I’m really just floundering here.