- Imaginary Lines: 11/01/2004 - 12/01/2004

Tuesday, November 30, 2004

Give Me Some Kind of Sign, Lord...

Lord, I have never prayed for you to give me another baby, not really. It seemed too selfish a prayer, and too unrealistic. I mean, if you were giving babies out to those who pray for them, there would be a lot of people in front of me on the waiting list.

But this morning, I actually sent up one of those "pleading" prayers:

Please, Lord, give me some sign that this pregnancy is healthy, that everything is going to be okay. And if it isn't okay, please don't make me wait weeks and weeks before finding out, I'm not sure if I could take it.

And finally, the only prayer that I think has real meaning:

Thy Will Be Done, Lord. Please grant me the strength and wisdom to accept your will over my own. (But I hope your will is for this pregnancy to be healthy.)


Sunday, November 28, 2004

Hello, Baby...

This one looks like a keeper:


That line is getting nice and dark. About the same color as the control.

I still cannot believe it. I had a bit of a freak-out today, when I was sure things weren't going to be okay. I had some morning sickness last night when I was at my mom's (mild nausea), and when I woke up today--nothing. I didn't even feel pregnant.

As a friend said recently, we who have had miscarriages know all too well that a positive pregnancy test does not guarantee a positive outcome....but I'm going to start letting myself get attached to this baby. I've even decided on a couple of names...I think it's going to be a girl....

I felt better after taking the test--since it came out so dark...and I'm feeling the morning sickness again tonight. I guess it's going to be an evening thing for now....

I'm still in shock!

Friday, November 26, 2004

Start Playing Lotto--I'M PREGNANT!!

Holy Crap. How the hell did this happen? We had sex, ONCE this month. Not very good for a couple trying to conceive--not very good for any couple. (What can I say, we were tired.) How did we manage to GET PREGNANT?

Thomas and I took a nap on Wednesday morning, and while I was asleep I had the weirdest sex dream--I would love to give you the details, but I can't remember. When I was pregnant with Thomas, I had sex dreams all of the time, so immediately in my half-crazed, trying to conceive brain, I saw this as a possible symptom. Some of you ttc women out there will know that sometimes you will look for any excuse to pee on a stick. This was mine. So out we went to Walmart to buy a few things for Turkey day, along with a 2 pak of Answer hpt's. I took it home and peed on it, feeling really stupid, 'cause I knew there was no way I was pregnant. I stared at the test the whole time, waiting for it to be negative. But it wasn't. I'll be darned. A line popped up. And a line popped up on the Clear Blue Easy I ran out and bought. And a little sign that says "pregnant" popped up on the EPT digital that I ran out and bought later. And on the EPT and on the Answer I took the next day. And on the CVS brand test I took today....you get the idea.


I want to say I'm thrilled, and I am, but I'm a little more terrified than thrilled at this point. My husband has the baby name book out, and I'm trying to mentally prepare myself for a miscarriage. I have to take a pregnancy test every day, at least once, to make sure the bean is still in there. But even then, there are no guarantees. Maybe the bean isn't in there, but just the hormones--or maybe the bean is in there but my hormones are so screwed-up, the bean won't be in there for long...

We told EVERYONE yesterday, I mean, what the hell else are you going to do with a house full of family and a positive pregnancy test? Everyone was really cautious with their congratulations...and I can't decide if that makes me happy, or sad. I kept saying, "we'll see, I guess." Nice.

But really, I guess we will see. I don't really know how else to feel, I want to rub my bellly and say, "I love you baby," but I'm terrified that as soon as I do, the baby won't be there anymore. I mean, this is as close to a miracle as I'm going to get. I wasn't supposed to get pregnant this month, the odds were all against it. So why would the baby be taken away, even after beating the odds? I'm trying to stay positive, along with my pregnancy tests.

I am happy. I am tired. I wish that I could take all of my trying-to-conceive friends with me. I am going to go rub my belly all day long and say, "I love you, baby," because if I only get a few days with this one, I want to make sure I take the time to let it know that it is loved.


Tuesday, November 23, 2004

Baby Food Snob--and Proud of It...

I am not a wealthy woman, I am the SAHM and wife of a blue collar man. Many people think that the latter is synonymous with ignorant, but no-sir-ee-bob, not from where I'm standin'.

My child drinks organic milk, and I don't care HOW MUCH it costs, I know it is the best for him. Pesticides, BGH, and anti-biotics are takin' a swim in your baby's regular milk, but not in my baby's certified organic milk. I have suffered the eye-rolls of many a mother who thinks I am over-reacting.

My child does not eat Kraft macaroni and cheese, which is synonymous with disgusting. That shit is not real food. There is nothing good in it. My mom is studying to be a nurse, and they've just learned that the dye they use in that crap will actually make your pee glow in the dark. Damn.

My little man DOES NOT EAT HOTDOGS. Do you know what's in that? Use your imagination, come up with the most disgusting thing possible, and add to that dangerous nitrates and other preservatives. Then you've got a hotdog.

The child of family friends refused to eat anything but Kraft mac and cheese and Hotdogs for the first 5 years of his life. Now he is having unexplained seizures. They aren't unexplained to me. Do you have to be a friggin' rocket scientist to not poison your child?

My son was breastfed, ate organic baby food, and his favorite dinner food is peas...where he gets that from is beyond me, not a big fan of that particular legume. And I feel a little snobbish about it...
is that okay??? Can I have that, huh? Can I?

It seems to me that the world's shittiest foods are marketed to little people. Children are growing and their nutritional needs are quite high. Think how much your baby's brain grows in the first five years. I'm pretty sure that feeding it only hotdogs and mac and cheese can lead to permanent retardation. I'm not trying to be cute, I'm quite serious.

Everyday it is getting easier to buy dairy and meat that is raised without antibiotics and hormones, and the more people that buy this stuff, the cheaper it's gonna get....so this is my 2 cents.

Boycott Kraft and buy a gallon of organic milk.


Friday, November 19, 2004

Goodbye, Brewster, You Sofa-Peeing Dog...

Yes. The news is true, I'm giving him away. I just can't take the pee anymore. He'll be much happier in his new home, there's other dogs, and big fields to play in, and no babies to compete with...it'll be great.
I am a little sad that things didn't work out. I wanted a dog, I just didn't want the dog to like peeing in my house and on my sofa so much.
Goodbye Brewster, I hardly knew ya. 3 months ago I picked you up from the pound, and it seems like only yesterday (tear, sniffle).
May I quote Bob Dylan?

Oh, I'm thinkin' and a wonderin', wanderin' down that road, I once knew a doggy, a puppy I am told, I gave him my heart but he want to pee on my sofa...don't think twice it's alright...

Tomorrow, we go for a ride...should I tell him first?

Thursday, November 18, 2004

Why Do I HURT???

I am my own doctor. This is due to the fact that everytime I ask a doctor a question, the only answer I get is a smile and a nod. Or maybe they've said something else, but it obviously wasn't relevant, or interesting, or even charming for that matter.

Me: Doctor Me, I have these pains in my ovaries every month after I ovulate...and I have discomfort in the area of my uterus too...could this have something to do with my miscarriage and why I can't seem to get pregnant again?

Doctor Me: Well, let me see here, (turns to computer search engine). There are a few things I'd like to look up on line...to get a better idea if you have any symptoms relevant to terrifying infertility causing diseases...

So anyway...here are some of the fruitless searches I did tonight:

Search On...Peri-menopause: Yup. This has got to be it. Irritability, insomnia, night-sweats, depression, bad hair, inability to get and stay pregnant...actually it didn't say that last thing...

Search on: Pelvic Pain Luteal Phase: This time I get some article about Late Luteal Phase Dysphoric Disorder. Oh Shit...this sounds like me too...take a look:

1.Marked affective lability, e.g., feeling suddenly sad, tearful, irritable, or angry.
2. Persistent and marked anger or irritability.
3. Marked anxiety, tension, feelings of being "keyed up" or "on edge."
4. Markedly depressed mood, feelings of hopelessness, or self-deprecating thoughts.
5. Decreased interest in usual activities, e.g., work, friends, hobbies.
6. Easy fatigability or marked lack of energy.
7. Subjective sense of difficulty in concentrating.
8. Marked change in appetite, overeating, or specific food cravings.
9. Hypersomnia or insomnia.
10. Other physical symptoms, such as breast tenderness or swelling, headaches, joint or muscle pain, a sensation of "bloating," weight gain.

Here's my favorite Magic Eight Ball Google Question:
Search On.....Why Did I Have A Miscarriage??? Search Results: Did Sacagawea Have a Miscarriage? Touche, Magic Google Eight Ball...it seems I have met my match...

My last search: Search On...cramps luteal phase (nothing fancy, to the point) Search Result: Some crazy fad low-carb diet called "Neanderthin." Someone out there really is trying to tell me something.

Me: Doctor Me, you're fired.
Doctor Me: What's your problem? You are sooo keyed up and irritable!!! I'm marking this down in your chart....

Wednesday, November 17, 2004

My Gay Guy-Pal Z is Pregnant....

Oh-Man, have I got issues, or what? Last night I had a dream that Z and his boyfriend were having a baby. I didn't really get to the technical aspect, but it involved stealing frozen eggs from a clinic somewhere.
I guess it's even easier for a Man to get pregnant then it is for ME to get pregnant right now.

Don't get me wrong though--I really am very happy for him!!

What Color Are You??


You surround yourself with art and music and are constantly driven to express yourself. You often daydream. You prefer honesty in your relationships and belive strongly in your personal morals.

Find out your color at Quiz Me!

My Troll Diatribe....(originally posted on the PW site)

You see, I have been on this board for more than 2 years, starting when I was preggo with my son.
I have been in the ttc room since February when we decided to try for #2.
I was one of those people who came in here, only to announce my BFP a couple of weeks later....but that pregnancy ended in miscarriage in March.

Then I was on the miscarriage board...then back here, off and on...

And there are always twits...and rude people to contend with. And some people are completely ignored, and some people are ganged up on, and some people stand out and shine as a great help to everyone...it's the same all over.

I never used to get into fights, it's always very very polite...with the, "I'm sorry," and "everyone has a right to their opinion," and "just walk all over my feelings, I won't say anything,"
--But not anymore. If you come in here with your bullshit, you can just turn around and take it right back out the door...

...and it's great because for the first time ever since I've been on PW, there's actually some sincerity in people's reaction to each other...and when you're ttc for what seems like a long time...you REALLY NEED sincerity and support.

Because unless you are right in it, unless you have suffered from a miscarriage and have been unable to conceive again, you have no way of knowing how isolated and scared it can really make you feel. I think even if you went through it in the past, it isn't the same as being in it in the present...you get pregnant again...and you get a glorious pass to move on with your life.

That is why so many of us seek support from people outside of our lives, people who can help us through this difficult time, people on-line.

It isn't that you are shunned the moment you become pregnant, it is that your perspective has changed. You can no longer say, "I know how you feel," because you don't. Because to us, we may never have a healthy pregnancy again. That is where we are. And when we do get pregnant, we will move on too.

I do not hate pregnant women. Ridiculous. My lovely sil is pregnant with twins, I put my hand on her belly and feel them move, I love them, I help to think of names for them...

But I do not want to discuss the pain of ttc with her. It's that simple.

When I do (hopefully) get pregnant again, I will not come on here to offer people advice, unless for some reason it is specifically asked for. However, I will come here to say hello and check up on old friends. I will not come on here to tell members of this board that they aren't posting in the way I think they should. I will not come on here and say, "I know how you feel...etc."

So before you come on this board, or any board for that matter, with the sole intention of putting someone down, loading someone with blame, giving out unsolicited assvice (as Jamie would say), take a moment, and realize that there are women here who are going through a very difficult time. Women who know more about getting pregnant than most people will ever have to know. And then ask yourself, "is this really going to help, or am I just in desperate need of attention?" and then go find someone else to bother.

Tuesday, November 16, 2004

It Smells Bad at the University...

The smell hit me the moment we walked in the door today. "Yuck," I said to Thomas. I know most of the people we pass as I push Thomas in his umbrellas stroller do not have children, so they must think my talking to him is a little like talking to a stuffed animal, or some other inanimate object. They do not know that Thomas can, in fact, understand almost everything I say to him. I'm sure he understands when I say, "it's stinky in here." And it does stink at the University.

I might not have ever noticed just how bad the stink is if it weren't for Thomas. When you're pregnant, your sense of smell is something like that of a bloodhound. I never knew before just how many really bad smells were out there before I was pregnant. The campus center at the U (which also houses the food court, cafeteria, book store, and financial aid), is the epicenter of stinkiness. It must be something they put in the institutional cafeteria food....

I am trying to go back to school in January. I was excited with this idea and all of the possibilities this morning, but now I feel apprehensive and sad. God, I am so friggin' moody. No wonder I can't get anything accomplised.

I want to go back to school, because I have to have my master's degree in Library Science and my teaching certification before Thomas starts kindegarten in less than 4 years. Not a bad deal, right? But what if I get pregnant again in the middle of the semester? Worse yet, what if I don't???

There are financial considerations to the chosen timing of our second child. My husband and I agree that I should stay home at least until our children are in school. We wanted them to be close in age so that it wouldn't be 10 years before I can start working again. What if it takes years for me to get pregnant again?? Won't we have to give up eventually, for financial reasons??

So, I'm ambivalent. But steadfast. I think. Maybe not. I need a stiff drink and a prenatal vitamin...

Luckily for me, I have the most wonderful husband in the world. I know he wants another baby too, and we will find a way to make it happen. It looks like I'm going to have to become a slave-driver when it comes to the sex...if I can stay awake long enough....

Monday, November 15, 2004

Missed the Egg...Again...

Uugh. I ovulated yesterday. Bummer. We didn't manage to have sex AT ALL this weekend. Shit. It just didn't happen. I am trying not to blame my husband, even if it is his fault...I mean, poor dear. He spent all day yesterday raking the leaves and mowing the lawn. Thomas took a really long nap too, perfect for some afternoon hanky-panky. But the leaves...and then he was so exhausted from working outside that he fell asleep on the couch...and then went to bed and fell right back to sleep.

I was planning a sneak attack for later that night, but while I was busy planning I fell into a deep and satisfying sleep that involved a dream about a man who once had a huge crush on me. I dreamed that somehow I ended up dating him, even though I wasn't attracted to him at all. Then I stared up at the ceiling this morning thinking about all the different paths I could've taken in life...but I digress...

This morning's temp rise only confirmed what I pretty much knew--I ovulated yesterday.

We did have sex 3 days prior to ovulation, which leaves an infinitesimal chance that I did manage to get knocked-up. This is if there were some sperm still lingering in some fertile corner of my fallopian tubes. If they even have corners. I keep imagining one sperm just hangin' out in my tube, waiting patiently while all the other spermies are long gone. Playing solitaire, smoking cigarettes, maybe leaving graffiti. Just waiting, until the egg comes rollin' on down, and BAM! magic. That's all it takes. Is that so much?

So I think my chances are akin to winning the tri-state lotto jackpot. Hey, someone's gotta win, right? A dollar and a dream.

Friday, November 12, 2004

My Family on Christmas

My Family on Christmas
My Family on Christmas,
originally uploaded by ErinMary.
This is my brother, me (the red-head in the middle), and my sister. Outside of my husband and my son, they are the two most important and influential people in my life.

My brother is an investigator with the State Police, and my sister is a Registered Nurse.

I love them dearly.

Wanna Buy a Knife?

Have you ever seen the movie 28 Days Later? It's a sci-fi/horror flick where a disease called rage ravishes Britain and the remaining survivers are cut off from the rest of the world to fend for themselves. You can tell immediately when someone has rage because they start to puke blood and their eyes turn red. They also run around in stop-gap motion with their arms flailing, trying to tear apart anyone who is not yet infected. T'was a silly movie.

It may have been a silly movie, but there are times when I think that I too am infected with rage. I can be quite frightening when I've had a long day, or I didn't get a good night's sleep. Just ask my husband, or my sofa-peeing dog. Who needs a horror movie when you already live with the infected?

This brings me to my point (sigh of relief from all). My neighbor called me a few days ago. She's a nice lady, just retired last summer, etc...and she has our phone number in case of emergency; like when our cats sneak out and get marooned on her shed, or when the sofa-peeing dog gets loose and runs down the street chasing squirrels. So she called, but it wasn't an emergency. She wanted to know how I got my zinnias to grow so tall, where I got the drapes for the back-porch, and if her friend could call me to sell me some knives. What? Knives? Uhh...(a twinge of rage is rising in my blood...I hold back, neighbor lady) sure your friend can call, no problem. We hang up. I forget about it, and the knives...

Well, last Sunday morning, my rage was showing. The baby had been up during the night, I was having insomnia, and we, I mean I, had to rush around and get ready to go to a birthday party. Ed decided to sleep in and let me take care of the baby and then get up and plop himself down in front of a movie (thanks, luv). It was one of those days, and I'm sure you know what I mean, when you feel sooo awful from lack of sleep, that you could just melt down into a puddle of sobbing exhaustion, but you do the dishes instead because you don't want your in-laws, who are coming to pick you up, to find out what a freakin' slob you really are.

Around 9 AM, the phone rang. We ignored it, because we don't know anyone who calls at 9 AM on Sunday, so we figured they could leave a message. About 20 minutes later, it rang again, and I picked it up. It was the knife lady...at 9 AM on Sunday morning...the second time she had called in 20 minutes...on Sunday morning...my eyes turned red and I think I started puking blood...it's kind of a blur now. Needless to say, she won't make the mistake of calling here again. I'm not sure what I said, but I have this feeling like I did something bad...like a werewolf must feel the morning after the full moon...

I know I have a temper...it's the kind that rises fast and fades away almost as fast...but a stranger calling to sell me something at 9AM on a Sunday morning? And ignoring the fact that we didn't answer the first time, and calling again??? Was I wrong to be so pissed? I wish I could be more secure in my rage. You know, learn to love the beast inside...

Thursday, November 11, 2004

Wrong Sex, Wrong Time, Wrong Place....

"W" stands for wrong, right? Whatever...I would just like to remember what it was like to have sex with my husband without wondering if we're going to get a baby out of it. And if we're not going to get a baby out of it, what's the point?

I love my husband with all of my heart, he is the love of my life and I find him to be very attractive and sexy. But my brain has been hijacked by the need-to-conceive. There was a time when having babies was the furthest thing from my mind when I was, uhhmm, with my husband. But now it has become an insane habit to immediately calculate my cycle day and chances of possible conception if my husband seems to be even slightly interested in having sex...

I'm not supposed to be worrying about this this month...but like I said, it's a nasty habit...a nasty habit that doesn't seem to be helping me to get pregnant. It's like the sperm can sense my desperation and immediately wither and die. Or my egg just refuses to come out and play under these hostile circumstances. I can't say I can blame either of them.

I'm sure the only medical procedure that can really help me get pregnant is a lobotomy.

Wednesday, November 10, 2004

Picking Apples with Dad

Picking Apples with Dad
Picking Apples with Dad,
originally uploaded by ErinMary.
Here's a picture of my two favorite guys...

Some Details...

I have been blogging for what, a week and a half now? I've been meaning to get down and dirty into some details and just haven't had the chance. So now the young man is sleeping...I have no excuse.

Yesterday's poem was to mark the day that I would've given birth if I had not miscarried in March. I really like that poem, and it was the most appropriate words I could find, even when I include my own words. I don't really want to elaborate, I trust the poem to do my talking. The rest is private, so private even I have yet to articulate just what it means to me.

Today I almost bought an OPK (Ovulation Predictor Kit), but I stopped myself and made it out of the store without one. I just need a break from the constant wondering and waiting and self-examining that goes into trying to conceive, month after month after month...

...and I think something changed with my due date having come and gone. It's like another chapter has closed in my life, for better or worse. A little at a time I let go of the, "I should be this," or "I should have that," or "what if it hadn't happened..." and so on. My life is GOOD. I wake up in the morning, put on some coffee, give Thomas his breakfast, we curl up and watch some cartoons, my GOD it is a dream come true.

Yes, I still want another baby, and the time may come when I have to see a doctor (or doctors) in order to make that happen for us. But today, I am okay, being a mommy of one. Tomorrow I may feel different, but right now I'm alright and that's what I need to focus on. And I've been so half-arsed with temping and charting this month. I don't even know what cycle day I'm on. My sister-in-law has 5 kids and she doesn't even know what your basal body temperature is. So maybe instead of the temping and the OPK's and the charting, etc., I should just tell my husband that we have to have sex every day. My God, I'm exhausted just thinking about it. And I can see him trying to find a place to hide....

There's no where to hide from me!!!!

Crazy Dog

Crazy Dog
Crazy Dog,
originally uploaded by ErinMary.
This is my dog, Brewster. We picked him up from the pound a few months ago. His tag said he was great with children and cats, and that he was house trained. Yeah, right. Every dog in the pound is innocent, right? They didn't say anything about how he loves to pee on the sofa!
We are currently working with this 1 1/2 year-old Australian shepherd, to teach him that peeing on the couch will not help him to make friends.

Tuesday, November 09, 2004


by Yevgeny Yevtushenko

No people are uninteresting.
Their fate is like the chronicle of planets.

Nothing in them is not particular,
and planet is dissimilar from planet.

And if a man lived in obscurity
making his friends in that obscurity
obscurity is not uninteresting.

To each his world is private,
and in that world one excellent minute.

And in that world one tragic minute.
These are private.

In any man who dies there dies with him
his first snow and kiss and fight.
It goes with him.

They are left books and bridges
and painted canvas and machinary.

Whose fate is to survive.
But what has gone is also not nothing:

by the rule of the game something has gone.
Not people die but worlds die in them.

Whom we knew as faulty, the earth's creatures.
Of whom, essentially, what did we know?

Brother of a brother? Friend of friends?
Lover of lover?

We who knew our fathers
in everything, in nothing.

They perish. They cannot be brought back.
The secret worlds are not regenerated.

And every time again and again
I make my lament against destruction.

Monday, November 08, 2004

Bad Dreams...

Last night I had a nightmare that the world had been overrun by angry man-eating dinosaurs. Wave after wave of bigger and bigger dino-monsters ran over the land killing every person they ran into. Sounds like a really bad horror flick from the '70's, doesn't it? That's because the one thing about the dream that I cannot relate to you is the terror I felt when it woke me up in the dead of night.

The dream itself is kind of silly. We went to a birthday party yesterday for Ed's 5 year-old cousin and the dinosaurs were not in short supply. I'm pretty sure this is how they ended up in my dreams. So how did I take a cute little plastic dinosaur from a birthday party and turn it into the end of humanity? I have a very vivid imagination. And I have very real fears.

The couple of weeks following Tommy's birth, I was a basket case. I know this is completely normal, especially for a first-time mom. I had almost no sleep, my body had been through a difficult ordeal, and I had this little baby depending on me for everything it needed to stay alive and healthy. But there was more to it than that. The day we brought Thomas home from the hospital, I barely recognized the world going by outside of our car. It was as if my whole life had been in black and white, and now I could finally see the color. It was dazzling, breathtaking, and it was completely terrifying.

Now that I am a mom, I know fear in a way that I never wanted to know it. The world is an unpredictable and terrifying place where people do things to hurt each other that you and I could never imagine that anyone could do, and yet they are done. I feel so helpless sometimes. That is how I felt lying in bed after waking up from my dream. We are so vulnerable, so soft, just lying here under the sky. In my half-awake state I wanted to take my baby and my husband and hide us away some where safe. But where?

Today in a land very far away from here there is a mother who is mourning the death of her child. I know it, I can feel it. Our troops are bombing and moving into a city where people live, where a child is just learning to talk, or needs his diaper changed, or wants a peanut butter and jelly sandwich, or a nap, or to touch his mother's hair. There are no dinosaurs in that city, only the reality of guns and bombs and hatred. The reality of nowhere to hide.

I do not want to think about these things, but my dreams won't let me pretend they are not there. I will not raise my child to be fearful. I will carry that burden for him as long as I can. Probably until he is a parent, when he too will understand the fear that no one has to teach us. The fear for the safety of your child. I hope to God that this war we are fighting is just, if there is such a thing as a just war. I hope it creates a democracy in Iraq, I hope in the end it makes the world a more peaceful place. I hope wars stay far enough away from us that I don't ever have to wonder if my child's life is worth the fight.

I pray to God for the parents and children of Fullujah, of Sudan, of Ivory Coast, of Russia, of Chechneya, of wherever the fighting and the horror is going on today. This is the bond of humanity that crosses all cultural barriers. May your children be safe with you tonight.

Friday, November 05, 2004

Lady of the House

Lady of the House


originally uploaded by ErinMary.

A Quiet Little Day...

That's today...Friday, November 5, 2004. My son is babbling to himself in his bedroom next door in protest of nappy time. He hasn't really started talking yet, and what he does say sounds a little like he's speaking French, "Ba ba, we?" Yes, Thomas, I think so.

It's quiet today, it's sunny, it's raining, it's windy, and it's cold. November. November is a month that can't quite make up its mind what season it wants to be. We've had a little taste of everything in this day.

I have cleaning to do. There are multiple coffee rings on the computer desk. The room that will someday be a new baby's room is full of clothes that are now too small for me and boxes of books. I've cleaned it out before, but it just keeps getting filled back up with more junk. A testament to how this baby making stuff is going.

The books used to be my most important possession. In fact, they used to be my only possession outside of the mattress on the floor that was my bed, and a high-milage red Toyota Corolla that I totalled on my way to one of my crappy jobs in 1998. That was back when my husband and I were only dating and he was still in his rock and roll band. Now he plays exclusively for his two biggest fans, the baby and me. We don't watch TV, so entertainment has gotten more creative. We decided when we moved into this house that we didn't want to call the cable man.

Up to a few months ago my husband worked like a dog. He worked 6 days a week for over 12 hours a day and we rarely had the chance to spend time together as a family. It was tough and exhausting for everyone. For him because he felt the huge burden of being the sole provider for our family, and for me because I was the sole provider of love and parenting to our son. Now he works in a job where he's paid a little less, but he always gets the weekend off. Oh, what a difference a day makes. Our time together is so precious, we weren't, and still are not, willing to give any of it up to really bad television programming. It's so easy at the end of the day to flick on the TV and get lost in a world that is totally disconnected from reality. A little too easy. So we flicked it off for good. Thomas, however, has an extensive library of educational and entertaining videos.

Now that the weekend is here I probably won't be a-bloggin' until Monday, unless there's a lull in the family activity. Like TV, the computer has to be used in moderation. That room might never get cleaned out again, and those coffee rings might become permanent residents of the computer room if I don't learn when to say when. "Uh-OH, WOW!" I hear Thomas say from his room next door.

Thursday, November 04, 2004

Thomas at 20 weeks gestation...

Thomas at 20 weeks gestation...

Open Letter to the Dean of Undergraduate Studies...

Dear Ms. Dean,

Okay, so I've made a few mistake (clear throat), umm, a few errors in judgement shall we say? It is essential that I clarify my reasons for having such a spotty record at the University.
I was working in an office, a job in a string of jobs that I didn't like. It was the best paying job I had ever had, or probably ever would have without the benefit of a degree. I hated that job. So a few months into it, after watching my boss throw herself on the floor and have a sobbing fit, I knew it was time to quit and go back to school. It was a big risk at the age of 27, but I saw no way around it, and I saw no way I could stay in that cubicle with that boss throwing fits at my feet.

My first semester was incredible. It was really tough, relearning how to write papers on dead-line, there were tears of frustration and fear, but man, I pulled through with flying colors and a better than 3.8 GPA.

I kept on through the summer and earned two more A's in the classes that I chose for that term. And then at the end of the summer, just before the start of fall classes, a surprise miracle happened. I was pregnant. This was not a plan, but it was a very happy surprise. I mean, I was 27 years old and not getting any younger. My prime baby-making years were already behind me, and I always knew I wanted to be a mom. Besides, in this open-mined day and age a woman could, no, was expected to do everything. I didn't see why being pregnant should change any of my plans about earning a degree.

About six weeks into my pregnancy and a couple of weeks into classes, I started throwing up--constantly. Morning sickness is a misleading misnomer. This was all-day everyday sickness and it didn't let up until the day my son was born. The medication they put me on did keep me from vomiting most of the time if I ate constantly, but it never kept me from feeling ill. So, needless to say, my attendance began to waiver. I had to fight with my Feminist Lit professor to keep her from failing me based on my poor attendance, despite reassurances from her in September that she "understood my plight and hoped to see me in class." She took her revenge on me by giving me a "D" on my final paper when I had earned all A's up to that point. But no matter, I plugged on and finished a respectable semester.

My baby was due in April, and the semester ended the first week in May. I saw no reason why I shouldn't continue (carpe diem, right?) with my studies up until the point I went into labor, and then come back and finish my final exams after my baby was born. Boy, I had it all figured out. I mean, you read about those women who do this kind of thing all the time, right? Isn't there some country where the women only stop working in the field long enough to push out their babies and then go right back to work? No problem. On to the next semester.

Okay, it's the beggining of April, and I am so huge I can barely walk. And forget about fitting behind the desks at school. My baby starts kicking like crazy the moment I try to squeeze him into one of those seats built for petite little teenagers who can't figure out what I'm doing in their classes. And not only is it difficult to walk, but it actually hurts to walk. My pelvic bones are stretching and opening to prepare for labor, and it HURTS! And what if my water breaks in the middle of lecture? As if I'm not enough of a freak-show already. You can see where I'm going here--and it's not to class until the moment I give birth. It's home to the couch where I can wait out my last few weeks in relative comfort. I mean, I'm not crazy, afterall.

I had every intention of finishing the two incompletes I left behind me in that semester. I asked for extentions, I wanted to study, I thought I could. I feel so bad about it. Ashamed, really. But guess what--being a new mom was A LOT harder than I thought it would be, and I loved my little baby even more than I could have imagined. Way too much to just leave him with a sitter to study. He was a breastfed baby and he couldn't be without me for more than a couple of hours, and I couldn't be without him for even that long. So it was painful for me to leave him to go back to school when he was only four months old. But women do this all the time, right? They go back to work after six weeks if they're luck enough to have that much time, so who was I to feel like my baby and I deserved to be together? So I signed up for another full-time semester.

It was a difficult few months. I took classes on Tuesday, Thursday, and Monday night. And they weren't lite classes either. My first class of the day was Lit of the Sublime, and then on to Israeli Politics, then a 20 minute break to pump breast milk in the second floor ladies room, and then back in to Public Policy. It's no surprise to me that I left my Public Policy class unfinished. I don't think I had anything left by that time of the day. But I am still proud that I did very well in my other three classes, including the Russian Film class I attended on Monday nights. It was a good semester, even with the one incomplete. I decided that the answer was only taking three classes a semester, so that is what I did.

I cleverly signed up for an on-line class about Latin Music (how could I go wrong?), I cross-registerd for an evening class at Hudson Valley (it was near my house), and I took one class that I knew I would love, Shakespeare.

The first to fall was the on-line class. I couldn't figure out the discussions and how to properly participate, and I couldn't scheduled child-care for a time when I could work on the class. It fell to the wayside. Then my husband and I decided to begin the process of buying a house and it happened a lot faster than we expected. It was stressful and required a lot of leg work. And then something happened that effected me more than I knew that it could--I had a miscarriage in the middle of March. I was sad and distraught, emotionally, hormonally, and psychologically. March turned into April rather quickly, as it has a way doing, and I was hopelessly behind in my Shakespeare class. There would be no catching up. The only class that survived was the Labor History class that I took through Hudson Valley. I got an A.

It was time to take a big step back. My life had been so blessed and had come so far over the past couple of years, and I had just been running along as if not to be run-over by all the changes. I was disappointed and depressed by my lack of progress that semester. How could I let this happen again? I'm not 18 anymore, I have responsibilities, I have a passion about my education, about making life better for my family. I decided not to take any summer classes. I decided not to take any fall classes. I had been so worried about what everyone would think about me as a person if I just admitted that I couldn't do it all, that I just needed to stay home with my son and make our new home a nice place to live and grow. I didn't want anyone to think I was lazy, or that I was taking anything for granted, or getting more than I deserved. Shouldn't I be working, or going to school, or doing something "besides" raising my child? The answer I kept coming back to was no, not right now. My first and only priority had to be my son, myself, and my husband. There would be a time and a way to go back to school, and I would wait until that time was right.

The summer and the fall have been busy, despite not taking any classes. I painted most of our house, worked on the yard, and just spent a lot of time thinking about and caring for my son. I have learned what it takes to get dinner on the table at a reasonable time, how to grocery shop without having to go back out every day for something else, and how to orchestrate a routine that my child and I are comfortable with. Most importantly I've learned how to drop everything for my toddler when he needs someone to play blocks or read a book. I am a mom now, and it requires from me an entire new set of skills that I didn't know I could nurture within myself.

Wednesday, November 03, 2004

Babies Really DO Come From Heaven....

I may run the risk of sounding too trite too early in the life of this blog, but I do not care. I had another epiphany today (have a lot, thus the blog), and it has to be shared.
I am a normal mother of an extraordinary child. I know most people probably feel this way, but for me it is so true. Everyday I hope that I can make my child's life even a little bit as wonderful as he makes mine. I know that I come up short, as every parent does, and that he will have to wait until he has his own children to understand how it feels when I hold him in my arms. It is enough that he is happy.
And we've all heard it before, "children are gifts from God." And who also hasn't felt, in a bad moment on a bad day when you're simultaneously having your hair pulled and your shoulder bitten by a toddler in the throws of a temper tantrum, "Yeah, right."
But this morning there weren't any tantrums, and there wasn't any broken skin or clumps of pulled hair, only giggles and cuddling and kisses. And the smell of my baby--is incredible. It isn't his baby lotion or his bath bubbles or special detergent that make him smell this wonderful--it's him--it's his smell, and I think it's the smell of heaven.
When my son was born I remember telling my husband that the baby was very wise. "We know everything when we are born, and it's all backward from there," I said. I believe that it is true. Children really are gifts from God. And it is our job as parents to take care of these gifts, and to bring them into adulthood as undamaged as possible, as they were when they were given to us. I hope God gives me the strength to be a good mother to my boy. I could use all of the help I can get.

Tuesday, November 02, 2004

Today is the first day...

of the rest of my life. I am welcoming myself to the blogging universe. I come in peace, to shed my thin skin and everything that sticks to it. This is my blog. This is me, this is the skin I'm in.

This is not my first attempt at blogging. I started another blog a few weeks ago and promptly forgot my screen name and password. I am thinking that this one will out-last that one. It was a trial really, I brought it home to see if it fit and I lost the receipt. And the bag. And the item. So here I am trying on a new one. I like it already. I feel better already. I'm like that you see, I lose things so easily, my keys, my thoughts, my manners, my neat hair and clothes. All gone.

I am here for a purpose. I need to tell you that I belong to a club that doesn't even know I exist. But I know they're out there, those of you who are losing your minds trying to conceive. Those of you that have lost pregnancies, like so many sets of car keys, like manners, neat hair and clothes, like thoughts.....like a thought. It's been almost 9 months since I lost my baby at 6 weeks gestation and now it feels so light and airy like a thought....or a dream. I used to have terrible dreams that my husband had left me where I would wake up crying the most desperate tears, and for half of the day I would feel a little insecure, a little unsure of reality. That is what this feels like sometimes, like I am perpetually waking up from a bad dream feeling a little, or more than a little, insecure.
....and my period came today. One day late. It was giving me a little tease....."maybe you're pregnant and the hpt couldn't pick it up".....my body whispers. And than BAM...blood. Lots of it too. Like so that I couldn't make that mistake that I could still be pregnant in spite of the bleeding....

So it's the first day. The first day of a new cycle trying to conceive. I wasn't even going to start this blog because I was going to be pregnant and it was going to be pointless and it was going to be beautiful and it...well, it isn't that.

I know we can do this because I have the most beautiful little boy you have ever seen in your life and he is 18 months old. He was conceived the first time we tried by the way....I hope you will stop in now and then and follow my journey....